Jelena Radan & Pedro Abreu “Fado”
Datum: 11.06.2024.
Jelena Radan & Pedro Abreu “Fado”

45. Mediteranski kiparski simpozij se bliži kraju!
Pozivamo vas na svečanost zatvaranja Simpozija i prezentaciju nastalih skulptura uz glazbeno program koncert FADO Jelena Radan i Pedro Abreu
u subotu 15. lipnja 2024. godine s početkom u 20 sati u amfiteatar Dolac park skulptura Dubrova.
The 45th Mediterranean Sculpture Symposium is coming to an end!
We invite you to the closing ceremony of the Symposium and the presentation of the new sculptures with a musical program, a FADO concert by Jelena Radan and Pedro Abreu
on Saturday, June 15, 2024, starting at 8 p.m. in the amfitheatre Dolac in the Sculpture Park Dubrova.