Nevjerojatni Maksim
Datum: 10.08.2023.
Nevjerojatni Maksim
U srijedu animirani film „Nevjerojatni Maksim“ na Štrmcu
U srijedu 23. kolovoza 2023. godine Ljeto u Svetoj Nedelji donosi posljednji događaj ovog ljeta – filmsku projekciju na igralištu na Štrmcu.
Na igralištu će se prikazati animirani film za sve uzraste „Nevjerojatni Maksim“ s početkom u 20:15, ulaz je besplatan. U sklopu projekcije Udruga žena Sv. Nedelje „Mendula“ imat će svoj štand s palačinkama u sklopu humanitarne akcije.
Filmsku projekciju organizira TZO Sveta Nedelja uz tehničku podršku POU Labin te financijsku podršku Općine Sveta Nedelja.
O filmu
Maksim je ulični mačak koji osmisli prijevaru za zarađivanje novca sprijateljivši se sa skupinom samoukih štakora koji govore. Kad Maksim i glodavci sretnu knjiškog moljca po imenu Malicia, njihova mala prevara ubrzo propadne.
Maksim govori ljudima u gradu da imaju pošast štakora koji teroriziraju građane i uvjeri ih da plate Keithu da ih odvede izvan grada gdje se otkriva da su štakori razumni i pismeni i surađuju s Keithom i Maksimom na prevari više gradova.
Zatim kreću na put u gradić Bad Blintz koji pati od nedostatka hrane i gdje hvatači štakora nisu uspjeli pronaći razlog nestanka hrane. Pokušavajući se infiltrirati u tunele ispod grada, štakori primjećuju da tamo nema lokalnih štakora unatoč njihovim tragovima. Pronalaze zamku koja hvata štakore žive. Darktan, njihov vođa, zarobljen je unutra. U međuvremenu, Maksim je ušao u gradonačelnikovu kuću i kada ga Keith pokuša pronaći, susreću gradonačelnikovu kćer Maliciju koja brzo zaključuje, nakon što je vidjela štakora Sardinesa koji pleše step, da oni stoje iza nedavne pošasti štakora u obližnjim gradovima i prijavljuje se u vojsku pomoći im da otkriju razloge za nestašicu hrane u gradu.
This Wednesday we’re screening the animated film “Amazing Maurice” in Štrmac
On Wednesday, 23th August 2023, Summer in Sveta Nedelja brings the last event– a film screening at the playground in Štrmac.
The animated film “Amazing Maurice” is suited for all ages and will be shown on the playground, starting at 8:15 p.m. with free entrance. As part of the screening, the Women’s Association of Sveta Nedelje “Mendula” will make pancakes as part of the humanitarian campaign.
The film projection is organized by Tourist board of Sveta Nedelja with technical support from POU Labin and financial support from the Municipality of Sveta Nedelja.
About the movie
Maurice is a street cat who devises a scam to make money by befriending a group of talking rats. When Maurice and the rodents meet a bookworm named Malicia, their little scam soon fails.
Maurice tells the people in town that they have a plague of rats terrorizing the townspeople and convinces them to pay Keith to take them out of town where the rats are revealed to be sentient and literate and work with Keith and Maurice to con several towns.
They then set out on a journey to the town of Bad Blintz, which is suffering from a lack of food and where the rat catchers have not been able to find the reason for the disappearance of food. Trying to infiltrate the tunnels under the city, the rats notice that there are no local rats there despite their tracks. They find a trap that catches the rats alive. Darktan, their leader, is trapped inside. Meanwhile, Maurice has entered the mayor’s house and when Keith tries to find him, they meet the mayor’s daughter, Malicia, who quickly deduces, after seeing the tap-dancing rat Sardines, that they are behind the recent rat plague in nearby towns, and enlists in the relief army. them to discover the reasons for the food shortage in the city.