lunedì, 22.07.2024.
Pet Angošt / 5th August
Datum: 22.07.2024.
Pet Angošt / 5th August

U ponedjeljak 5. kolovoza , tradicionalnom feštom 5. Angošt obilježit će se u Šumberu blagdan Gospe Snježne. Manifestacija započinje Svetom Misom u 9 sati u crkvi Blažene Djevice Marije od Drena, a nakon mise bit će i tradicionalna marenda. Druga misa na rasporedu je u 18 sati ispred crkve.
Zabavni program uz bogatu gastronomsku ponudu počinje u 20:00 sati na Balarinima.
Za dobru zabavu i veselu atmosferu pobrinuti će se Tu i tamo band i DJ Nikola Z Kukurini.
On Monday, August 5th, the feast of Sant Mary of the Snows will be celebrated in Šumber with the traditional 5th Angošt festival. The event begins with Holy Mass at 9 a.m. in the church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Dren, and after the mass there will be a traditional brunch. The second mass is scheduled at 6 pm in front of the church.
The music program with a rich gastronomic offer starts at 20:00 at Balarini.
Tu i tamo band and DJ Nikola Z Kukurini are in charge for the good vibes.