Jazz va brojdi / Jazz in the vineyards
Datum: 24.06.2024.
Jazz va brojdi / Jazz in the vineyards

Jazz va brojdi – Robert Mikuljan Trio feat. Iva Gortan / 19.7. u 21h / vinograd San Martino u Svetom Martinu
19.7. u predivnom ambijentu vinograda San Martino u Svetom Martinu u sklopu manifestacije “Jazz va brojdi” predstavit će se Robert Mikuljan trio ft. Iva Gortan.
Mikuljan je ovom prilikom okupio vrsne glazbenike i dugogodišnje prijatelje i suradnike. Osim Mikuljana na trubi i krilnici, na pozornici će mu se pridružiti Aldo Foško na klavijaturama i Rajko Ergić na bubnjevima te mlada pjevačica Iva Gortan.
Biti će to večer vokalnih hitova kao i popularnih jazz instrumentala. Koncert počinje u 21h, a posjetitelji će moći degustirati vrhunska vina lokalnih vinara San Martino, Fuhtar, Kos i Prskalo. Manifestacija je u organizaciji Udruge Variart, TZO Sveta Nedelja i Općine Sveta Nedelja
Iva Gortan, pjevačica i psihologinja iz Pazina zainteresirala je javnost 2015. godine nakon pojave u tv showu ‘The Voice’. Otada razvija svoj glazbeni izričaj nastupanjem u antologijskom showu ‘A strana’ , kroz suradnju sa renomiranim akterima domaće glazbene scene i djelovanjem u nekoliko glazbenih sastava istovremeno u pop i jazz maniri.
Robert Mikuljan je trubač, krilničar, skladatelj i pedagog. Magistrirao je jazz 2017. godine na jazz odjelu Glazbene akademije „Giuseppe Tartini“ u Trstu u klasi prof. Klausa Gesinga. Glazbom se bavi i aktivno nastupa više od 20 godina. Godine 2008. pridružuje se Big Bandu Pula, a članom JazzIstra orkestra postaje 2014. godine. Kao skladatelj i solist predstavlja se 2017. godine u sklopu projekta „Nove skladbe za Jazz orkestar HRT-a“ skladbom „Crne ruki“. Iste godine postaje članom Porto etno orkestra koji 2018. godine nastupa na Kongresu lokalnih i regionalnih vlasti Vijeća Europe u Strasbourgu s ciljem očuvanja tradicionalne hrvatske glazbe u suvremenim jazz aranžmanima. Surađuje s mnogim renomiranim hrvatskim i inozemnim jazz glazbenicima u sklopu različitih projekata i samostalnih koncerata.
Dobitnik je Nagrade Status 2019. i 2022. u kategoriji jazz truba koju dodjeljuje Hrvatska glazbena unija za vrhunsko umijeće i vještinu sviranja.
Voditelj je i dirigent Gradskog orkestra Labin te umjetnički voditelj Labin Jazz Festivala.
Jazz va brojdi – Robert Mikuljan Trio feat. Iva Gortan / 19th July at 9 PM / San Martino Vineyard in Sveti Martin
On 19th July, in the beautiful ambience of the San Martino vineyard in Sveti Martin, as part of the “Jazz va brojdi” event, the Robert Mikuljan Trio featuring Iva Gortan will perform.
For this occasion, Mikuljan has brought together excellent musicians and long-time friends and collaborators. In addition to Mikuljan on trumpet and flugelhorn, he will be joined on stage by Aldo Foško on keyboards, Rajko Ergić on drums, and the young singer Iva Gortan.
It will be an evening of vocal hits as well as popular jazz instrumentals. The concert starts at 9 PM, and attendees will have the opportunity to taste premium wines from local wineries San Martino, Fuhtar, Kos, and Prskalo. The event is organized by the Variart Association, the TZO Sveta Nedelja, and the Municipality of Sveta Nedelja.
Iva Gortan
Iva Gortan, a singer and psychologist from Pazin, caught the public’s attention in 2015 after appearing on the TV show ‘The Voice’. Since then, she has been developing her musical expression through performances in the legendary show ‘A strana’, collaborating with renowned figures of the local music scene, and working simultaneously in several musical ensembles in both pop and jazz styles.
Robert Mikuljan
Robert Mikuljan is a trumpeter, flugelhornist, composer, and educator. He obtained his Master’s degree in jazz in 2017 from the jazz department of the “Giuseppe Tartini” Conservatory of Music in Trieste, under the tutelage of Prof. Klaus Gesing. He has been actively involved in music and performing for over 20 years. In 2008, he joined the Big Band Pula, and in 2014, he became a member of the JazzIstra orchestra. As a composer and soloist, he presented himself in 2017 as part of the “New Compositions for the HRT Jazz Orchestra” project with the composition “Crne ruki”. That same year, he became a member of the Porto Etno Orchestra, which performed in 2018 at the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, aiming to preserve traditional Croatian music in contemporary jazz arrangements. He collaborates with many renowned Croatian and international jazz musicians in various projects and solo concerts.
He is a recipient of the Status Award in 2019 and 2022 in the jazz trumpet category, awarded by the Croatian Musicians Union for outstanding skill and artistry in playing.
He is also the conductor and director of the Labin City Orchestra and the artistic director of the Labin Jazz Festival.
Vinogradi San Martino karta / Wineyard San Martino map