Baronova fešta / Baron’s feast
Datum: 02.07.2024.
Baronova fešta / Baron’s feast

U petak, 26. srpnja 2024. godine u kortu palače Lazzarini Battiala u Svetom Martinu održat će se Baronova fešta i Smotra vina istočne Istre u organizacije TZO Sveta Nedelja i Udruge „Trs“ te uz podršku Općine Sveta Nedelja.
Smotra vina započinje u 18 sati svečanom podjelom priznanja vinarima. U sklopu Smotre sudjelovat će 23 vinara od Medulina do Kastva. Uz gastronomsku ponudu lokalnih agroturizma, članovi Udruge gljivara Labinštine „Martinčica“ pripremat će svoj čuveni kotlić. Bit će naravno tu i ponuda hand made proizvoda lokalnih OPG-a.
Na fešti će također bit prisutna i Udruga žena Sv. Nedelje „Mendula“ svojim štandom i humanitarnom akcijom.
Tradicionalna manifestacija povodom Svete Ane započet će jutarnjom misom u 11 sati koju će predvodit vlč. Geremia Massa, a druga misa je na rasporedu u 18 sati uvijek u mjesnoj crkvi koju će predvodit vlč. Wojtek Wlazlo. Župa Sv. Martin Labinski sprema povodom proslave Sv. Ane i duhovnu pripravu 24. i 25. srpnja s početkom u 18 sati.
Povodom smotre vina Istočne Istre koja je imala svoj ocjenjivački dio 19. lipnja 2024. godine proglašeni su šampioni u 5 kategorije te najbolje vino Best of Baron kojima će biti dodijeljena priznanja u 18:00 sat.
Za sjajnu atmosferu do kasnih sati pobrinut će se legendarni Anelidi a pridružit će im se istarska ruža Vesna Nežić Ružić.
11:00 / 18:00 Sveta Misa povodom proslave Svete Ane, crkva Sv. Martin
18:00 Smotra vina istočna Istra i svečana podjela priznanja, bogata gastro ponuda, domaći suveniri i proizvodi, Baronov kort
Anelidi i Vesna Nežić Ružić
On Friday, July 26, 2024, in the courtyard of the Lazzarini Battiala Palace in Sveti Martin, the Baron’s Festival and Eastern Istrian Wine Show will be held in the organization of TZO Sveta Nedelja and Association “Trs” and with the support of the Municipality of Sveta Nedelja.
The wine festival starts at 6 pm with the award ceremony to the winemakers. As part of the Festival, 23 winemakers from Medulin to Kastav will participate. Along with the gastronomic offer of the local agrotourisms, members of the Association of Mushroom Growers of Labinština “Martinčica” will prepare their famous kettle. Of course, there will also be an offer of hand-made products from local OPGs.
The Association of Women of St. will also be present at the festival. “Mendula” Sundays with its stand and humanitarian action.
The traditional manifestation on the occasion of St. Anne will begin with the morning mass at 11 a.m., which will be led by Rev. Geremia Massa, and the second mass is scheduled at 6 p.m. always in the local church, which will be led by Rev. Wojtek came in. Parish of St. Martin Labinski prepares the celebration of St. Anne and spiritual preparation on July 24 and 25, starting at 6 p.m.
On the occasion of the Eastern Istrian wine review, which had its judging part on June 19, 2024, the champions in 5 categories and the best wine Best of Baron were announced, who will be awarded at 18:00.
The legendary Anelidi will provide a great atmosphere until the late hours, and they will be joined by the Istrian rose Vesna Nežić Ružić.
11:00 / 18:00 Holy Mass on the occasion of the celebration of St. Anne, Church of St. Martin
18:00 Eastern Istrian wine exhibition and award ceremony, rich gastronomic offer, local souvenirs and products, Baron’s court
Anelidi and Vesna Nežić Ružić