
In the area of the municipality of Sveta Nedelja, you can find excellent honey and other products (pollen, propolis, wax, royal jelly) of our beekeepers who have been putting a lot of effort and love into beekeeping for years, competing in national competitions and winning medals for their products.

OPG Radićanin Florian

Florian Radičanin

Sv. Martin 32B
52231 Nedešćina

T: +385 (0)52 654 045
M: +385 (0)91 222 2238

OPG Pčelarstvo Licul

Emil Licul

Sv. Martin 9
52231 Nedešćina

M: +385 (0)98 166 9960

OPG Černjuli

Marko Černjul

Černjuli 119
52231 Nedešćina

M: +385 (0)98 442 785

OPG Černjuli
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