Monday, 29.07.2024.
Maja Posavec-Leonard Cohen tribute
Datum: 29.07.2024.
Maja Posavec-Leonard Cohen tribute

Povodom Noći Sv. Lovre u utorak 13.8.2024. godine održat će se koncert Maje Posavec pod nazivom Leonard Cohen tribute u Parku skulptura Dubrova. Dođite uživati u vidljivoj kiši meteora poznatoj još i kao suze Svetog Lovre ili noć kad „padaju“ zvijezde. Moći će se guštati lokalna craft piva Labona i vina lokalnih vinara. Program počinje u 21:00 sati.
Događanje je u organizaciji TZO Sveta Nedelja i TZG Labin uz financijsku potporu Općine Sveta Nedelja.
Događanje je u organizaciji TZO Sveta Nedelja i TZG Labin uz financijsku potporu Općine Sveta Nedelja.
O Maji Posavec
Pjevačica Maja Posavec i gitarist Ivan Kapec redovito održavaju vrlo posjećen program nazvan “Večer s Cohenom” kojem odaju počast preminulom kanadskom pjesniku i kantautoru Leonardu Cohenu.
Kapec je izvrstan gitarist i aranžer što dokazuje činjenica da je sposoban sam na svom instrumentu isporučiti sat vremena glazbe koja ne postaje prečesto zamorna unatoč izostanku drugih glazbenika. To ne znači da bi aranžmanima škodio povremeni upliv bilo ritam sekcije, bilo nenapadnih solista, no Ivanovom se muziciranju nema što prigovoriti. Maja, pak, pjeva divno i bez prenemaganja u kakva bi vjerojatno mnoga druga vokalistica zabrazdila u želji da pokaže svu raskoš svojih pjevačkih sposobnosti. Maja tu raskoš pokazuje suptilno u okviru Cohenovih ograničenih melodija koje nijansira s puno strasti i umješnosti, pa još jednom kao primjer toga ističem finale sjajne “Joan of Arc”.
Kapec je izvrstan gitarist i aranžer što dokazuje činjenica da je sposoban sam na svom instrumentu isporučiti sat vremena glazbe koja ne postaje prečesto zamorna unatoč izostanku drugih glazbenika. To ne znači da bi aranžmanima škodio povremeni upliv bilo ritam sekcije, bilo nenapadnih solista, no Ivanovom se muziciranju nema što prigovoriti. Maja, pak, pjeva divno i bez prenemaganja u kakva bi vjerojatno mnoga druga vokalistica zabrazdila u želji da pokaže svu raskoš svojih pjevačkih sposobnosti. Maja tu raskoš pokazuje suptilno u okviru Cohenovih ograničenih melodija koje nijansira s puno strasti i umješnosti, pa još jednom kao primjer toga ističem finale sjajne “Joan of Arc”.
On the occasion of the Night of St. Lovre on Tuesday, 13th August 2024 Maja Posavec’s concert titled Leonard Cohen tribute will be held i Sculpture Park Dubrova. Come and enjoy the visible meteor shower, also known as the tears of St. Lawrence or the night when stars “fall”. You will be able to enjoy local Labona craft beers and wines from local winemakers. The program starts at 9 p.m.
The event is organized by TZO Sveta Nedelja and TZG Labin with the financial support of the Municipality of Sveta Nedelja.
The event is organized by TZO Sveta Nedelja and TZG Labin with the financial support of the Municipality of Sveta Nedelja.
About Maja Posavec
Singer Maja Posavec and guitarist Ivan Kapec regularly hold a very popular program called “Evening with Cohen” in which they pay tribute to the late Canadian poet and singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen.
Kapec is an excellent guitarist and arranger, which is proven by the fact that he is capable of delivering an hour of music alone on his instrument, which does not become tiring too often despite the absence of other musicians. This does not mean that the arrangements would be harmed by the occasional influence of either the rhythm section or inconspicuous soloists, but there is nothing to complain about Ivan’s musicianship. Maja, on the other hand, sings beautifully and without overdoing it, which probably many other vocalists would fall into when they want to show all the splendor of their singing abilities. Maja shows this luxury subtly within the framework of Cohen’s limited melodies, which he nuances with a lot of passion and skill, so once again I highlight the finale of the great “Joan of Arc” as an example of this.
Kapec is an excellent guitarist and arranger, which is proven by the fact that he is capable of delivering an hour of music alone on his instrument, which does not become tiring too often despite the absence of other musicians. This does not mean that the arrangements would be harmed by the occasional influence of either the rhythm section or inconspicuous soloists, but there is nothing to complain about Ivan’s musicianship. Maja, on the other hand, sings beautifully and without overdoing it, which probably many other vocalists would fall into when they want to show all the splendor of their singing abilities. Maja shows this luxury subtly within the framework of Cohen’s limited melodies, which he nuances with a lot of passion and skill, so once again I highlight the finale of the great “Joan of Arc” as an example of this.