Pogledajte novi outdoor video Svete Nedelje – 9.6. bike tura Baronovom stazom
Datum: 29.05.2024.
Pogledajte novi outdoor video Svete Nedelje – 9.6. bike tura Baronovom stazom

Pogledajte novi outdoor video Svete Nedelje – 9.6. bike tura Baronovom stazom
Turistička zajednica Općine Sveta Nedelja poziva vas da istražite puteve plemićkih obitelji i provozate svoje bicikle Baronovom Stazom na besplatnoj bike turi 9. lipnja 2024. s početkom u 10 sati na Stadionu u Nedešćini.
Za sudjelovanje je obavezna prijava do zaključno 7. lipnja 2024. godine. Minimalna dob za sudjelovanje je 14 godina, maloljetnici obavezno moraju bit u pratnji odrasle osobe. Broj sudionika ograničen te je na pola ture osigurana okrijepa i piće u agroturizmu Kaštel Pineta.
Prijava putem linka https://forms.gle/fqEbcahKhzZRCqMx9
Besplatne ture dio su projekta Nedelja outdoor kojim se želi dodatno promovirati biciklističke i pješačke staze sadržajima upravo nedjeljom, kao savršenog dana u tjednu za aktivnosti na otvorenom. U cilju promocije izrađen je i video Nedelja outdoor koji će biti i dio kampanje koja je u tijeku na slovenskom tržištu. Autor videa je Noel Miletić.
Organizatori ture su Bike Centar Rabac i TZO Svete Nedelja.Za dodatne informacije obratite se putem elektroničke pošte na tzo.svetanedelja@gmail.com ili telefonski na broj 0993534223 . Tijekom vožnje obavezno je nošenje kacige. Staza je duga 27 kilometara, elevacije 430 m te je srednje zahtjevna. Tura prati Baronova staza koja uključuje asfalt i makadam. Postoji mogućnost najma bicikla uz naplatu u dogovoru s Bike centrom Rabac.
Besplatne vođene bike ture Svetom Nedeljom i izrada promotivnog videa dio su projekta Nedelja Outdoor koji je sufinanciran od strane Fonda za turističke nedovoljno razvijena područja i kontinent te Općine Sveta Nedelja.
Is out the new outdoor video of Sveta Nedelja – June 9th free bike tour Baron’s trail
The Tourist Board of the Municipality of Sveta Nedelja invites you to explore the paths of noble families and ride your bikes along the Baron’s Trail on a free bike tour on June 9th, 2024, starting at 10 a.m. at the Stadium in Nedešćina.
Registration is required for participation by June 7, 2024. The minimum age for participation is 14 years, minors must be accompanied by an adult. The number of participants is limited, and refreshments and drinks are provided for half of the tour in Kaštel Pineta agrotourism.
Registration via the link https://forms.gle/fqEbcahKhzZRCqMx9
The free tours are part of the #Nedeljaoutdoor project, which aims to further promote cycling and hiking trails on Sundays (Croatian Nedjelja), as the perfect day of the week for outdoor activities. Now out also a Nedelja outdoor video, which will also be part of the ongoing campaign on the Slovenian market. The author of the video is Noel Miletić.
The organizers of the tour are Bike Center Rabac and TZO Svete Nedelja. For additional information, please contact us by e-mail at tzo.svetanedelja@gmail.com or by phone at 0993534223. It is mandatory to wear a helmet while driving. The trail is 27 kilometers long, has an elevation of 430 m and is moderately demanding. The tour follows the Baron’s path, which includes asphalt and macadam. It is possible to rent a bicycle for a fee in agreement with Bike Center Rabac.
Free guided bike tours around Sveta Nedelja and the creation of a promotional video are part of the Nedelja Outdoor project, which is co-financed by the Fund for Tourism Underdeveloped Areas and the Continent and the Municipality of Sveta Nedelja.